Thursday, 15 September 2011

everything happen for a reason

"Sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, unfair at first"

Thursday, Sept 15, 2011

Making some other people laugh and smile is easy. But, how about when there cry. Whether easy to make them stop crying ? My answer is NOT ! Nobody said it was easy to handle their life. Sometimes, we need the supporter. 

I call my daddy, i said " I want to go home this weekend" .. My daddy said "with KTM or Bus ?" ... I said "KTM it sound great, because it is not too far from our home, right ? " :)

Every weekend, since I in the 1st year. I have to or I must to go home. I really don't like to live at Tanjung Malim in weekend. No television, no Astro = DEAD :(
No related on the first paragraph with home, right? But for me, yes ! I had the bad week of this week. 

1st is My MINOR
2nd is My MINOR
3rd is My MINOR

Why this University want me to take the MINOR ? It's sound easy but not for me. actually I have been accepted in Minor Sport Science. Talk about the Sport Science, I remember about the fitness test that I  through it. I have to through all the test. Starting with ran, jump, pumping and all the sport thing. I get a fever about 1 week after the fitness test. Oh My God ! The fitness test is very "testing" me .. :)

Just now, I really want to go home and take a advice from my daddy about my MINOR. My daddy really want me to join the Sport Science. He want me to learn about Science. At least, I got the basic. Because he's daughter only know the Mechanical and Machine. :)

"everything happen for a reason"

I hope Allah will keep my mercy, Insh Allah. END
my precious 'ayah'

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

My first time : The Blog

 السلام عليكم
"Dear English, you killing me softly since in the primary school, now you came back in EC II .. welcome English Communication II ..."

Since this is the first week i returning to UPSI ...
So, im suprise that i have to go to the most of the class ALONE !
You know why, because this semester the MINOR is begin.
All the best to my best friend forever (BFF), we are not in the same class anymore :(

This is the first class in my time table starting on 8 o'clock. I'm hear that, the junior at the college is about two thousand student. Can you imagine the bus were looks like? Trust me, it can make me faint in that bus. The first class is Automation Technology with Dr. Amri. Wait for him about 15 minute, lastly the class representative told that Dr. Amri MC. Safe ! I can take my breakfast. :)

3:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm
FIK 3042 English Communication II
Grp : H

Who is the Miss Fairus ? Yesterday, i find her photos. So that i can recognize her face… :)
Scare ! Every time I attending the english class. My heart beat is like ‘dup, dap, dup dap’ ..
She want her all student in this groups, make the blogger. For me it quite difficult because I never, never, never create the blog. She want each of us to create the blog and add her on the Facebook. The journey is begin … and to all my friend on the Facebook, support me to improve my English, ok ? That all for to day ! 
السلام عليكم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Begin by بسم الله الرحمن الر 
 Ends with الحمد لله 
May Allah facilitate all our dealings ..
Insha Allah